Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Buried in Snow

An unbelievable amount of snow fell within a 24+ hour period. I think we probably got about 16" or more of snow. It started at 4pm yesterday and snowed lightly through the night - shoveled about 3" this morning and then it went crazy throughout the day. I shoveled two more times - 4 more inches at 11am (at about the time the snowbuddy shown here showed up on the front porch) and then 8 more inches in the late afternoon. And it's heavy stuff. I am sure to be sore tomorrow...

The house at 4pm yesterday - just starting to snow. We already had a nice base from last week.

Today at 4pm.

Bailey is not a fan of the big snow. Here she is training for the Iditarod. Or at least trying to follow my path back to the house. It's a tough world when you are small.

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